Huron Soil and Crop says planting cover crops this year can build soil health to benefit next year’s crops
Now is a great time to plant cover crops, according to the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association (HSCIA). Alan Willits, HSCIA President, said cover crops planted this year can help to preserve and build soil health which can help with next year’s crops.
There are many good reasons to plant cover crops, according to the HSCIA President. “Cover crops help to reduce the loss of topsoil and nutrients and increase organic matter and help to create conditions that are favourable for the next year’s crop,” he said. “Those are just some of the reasons to consider planting more cover crops.”
There may be funding available to support cover crops. One funding program is the Huron Clean Water Project which has supported a Cover Crop Incentive since 2015. Ausable Bayfield and Maitland Valley conservation authorities deliver the program on behalf of the County of Huron. Willits recommends people get in touch with their local conservation authority to find out more. “Completing an application may be as simple as a short phone call,” he said.
Landowners interested in finding out more about cover crops, and available cover crop funds, may contact Brooklyn Rau, Stewardship Technician at Ausable Bayfield at (519) 235-2610 extension 261 or Ben Van Dieten, Stewardship Projects Lead at Maitland Valley at (519) 335-3557 extension 245.